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Updated legislation was introduced in Queensland in 2021 which recognises Schedule 8 (S8) medicines and other medicines with greater potential
This module recalls the different insulin formulations available, how they differ in their onset of action and duration of efficacy,
Schedule 8 medications, also known as ‘Controlled Drugs’, have greater restrictions over their availability and management due to their potential
This module defines restrictive practices as per updates made in 2021 to the Quality of Care Principles 2014. The module
This module outlines the definition of palliative care, and recommended strategies. It highlights symptoms commonly observed in aged care residents,
Diabetes is a common condition requiring appropriate and individualised management in aged care homes. This module differentiates between Type 1
This module discusses pain management; defines the different types of pain and provides an understanding of underlying physiology. It outlines
Falls can have major impacts on a resident’s ability to maintain independent function and quality of life. Falls are often