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Residents of aged care facilities often have multiple medical conditions managed by multiple medications. However the more medications prescribed, the
This module explores key requirements for ensuring antimicrobials are prescribed and administered according to best practice guidance.
This module provides a clinical insight into the different types of Dementia, understand regions of the brain, the function of
Medication errors are common, and under reported. Although they do not cause serious harm for the most part, rarely they
Medication errors are common, and under reported. Although they do not cause serious harm for the most part, rarely they
Updated legislation was introduced in Queensland in 2021 which recognises Schedule 8 (S8) medicines and other medicines with greater potential
This module recalls the different insulin formulations available, how they differ in their onset of action and duration of efficacy,
Schedule 8 medications, also known as ‘Controlled Drugs’, have greater restrictions over their availability and management due to their potential